Silver Light

Thank you very much for your support in these years. Founded in 1990, Silver Light now has a history of over 10 years. Silver Light is a large sized enterprise combining the design, development, production, retail distribution and project based, our sales network which is supply over the world for more than thousand design of out door and indoor fitting.

Silver Light  Three Year Limited Warranty

All material and component parts are guaranteed to be free from defects of material and
workmanship for a period of three years. Lamps and ballasts carry the manufacturer's warranty.

Sustainability Statement

Silver Light prides itself on its stewardship of the environment and its commitment to sustainability. This commitment permeates throughout the products we offer as well as our manufacturing and office facilities. It starts with a Sustainable Philosophy; it is our goal to provide products that will last the lifetime of the building or premises, eliminating the need for wasteful replacement. Our products are designed to provide the most efficient use of light, using the least amount of power to illuminate the given task.

Our Products:

          o Manufactured from long-life recyclable materials including aluminum, stainless steel, and glass. The recycled content of our aluminum is 90%, with only a few exceptions where virgin material is necessary for the products intended use.
          o The majority of our products are finished in durable powder coat paint, eliminating the waste associated with liquid paints.
          o All packing materials are recyclable, including cardboard packaging, water soluble and biodegradable packing peanuts, plastic wrapping, and wooden pallets.
          o All scrap materials generated in our production/office processes are recycled including aluminum, steel, glass, electronics, cardboard, and paper.
          o All hazardous materials generated by our manufacturing processes are controlled and then disposed/recycled per federal, state, and local requirements.

      Our Facilities:
                + Our mission is to manufacture and sell our products while limiting our impact on the environment.
                + Natural daylight is used whenever possible, both in our office spaces, and throughout our manufacturing facilities. Where electric lights are necessary, we use the most efficient sources available, including electronic ballasts, T5 fluorescent, and High Intensity Discharge lamps.
                + Except when used for demonstration purposes, the exterior lighting is kept to minimum levels for safety.
                + All HVAC systems are monitored by computer and automatically shut down during non-business hours.
                + We continue to nurture our facility grounds, including harvesting avocados from our grove each year




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